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- Vice Chancellor/Registrar Application
Applications are invited for the post of Vice Chancellor/Registrar of LNCT Vidyapeeth University, Indore (M.P.)
The Vice Chancellor, being the Academic as well as Administrative Head is expected to be :
Educational Qualifications:-
A person possessing the highest level of competence, integrity, morals and Institutional commitment is to be appointed as Vice Chancellor. The person to be appointed as Vice Chancellor should be a distinguished academician, with a minimum of Ten Years of experience as Professor in a University or Ten Years of experience in a reputed Research and / Academic administrative organization with proof of having demonstrated academic leadership.
The age of person should be not more than 65 years of age on the closing date of receipt of applications of this advertisement.
Applications are invited for the appointment of Registrar
Educational Qualifications-
- A Post-Graduate Degree with at least 55% marks with 15 years of experience as Administrative / Academic Experience as Assistant Professor / Assistant Registrar.
- Experience in computerized Administrative / Account / Legal / Establishment matter, etc.
- The age of person not more than 60 years of age on the closing date of receipt of applications of this advertisement. The tenure of initially for a period of 5 years and further extendable or attaining the age of 65 years whichever is earlier.
- Candidates are required to carefully go through the details of qualifications, experience. They should satisfy themselves before applying that he possesses at least the minimum qualifications, experience etc. as laid down in advertisement.
- The duly filled in application, together with all the relevant enclosures should be sent in a seal envelop subscribed with “Application for the post of Vice Chancellor / Registrar in LNCT Vidyapeeth University, Indore” :-
- Click Here to View Press Release
- Please Click Here to Download Pro forma Appliction for the Post of Vice Chancellor/Registrar
To the Address:- The Chancellor, LNCT Vidyapeeth University, 31, Shyamla Hills, Bhopal (MP) – through Speed Post /Registered Post.
Last Date : – 30th September 2024